Firebird Conference 2005 - Great people, great sessions and a lot of fun!

These are my (Thomas Steinmaurer) photos from the Firebird Conference 2006, November 12th to 14th, Prague, Czech Republic.

If there is anything wrong like names, descriptions, ... then please let me (t . steinmaurer AT know and I get it corrected ASAP.

In the lobby. Everyone busy checking their emails? Frank Schlottmann-Goedde in the grey pullover. Arno Brinkman on the left. Svein Erling Tysvær (Set) in the polo-shirt talking about Norwegian cookies with my girl-friend Nando Dessena in the black T-Shirt behind the beer bottles
The three already known folks in the front. Tom Cole from SAS at the back Lucas Franzen, Martijn Tonies, Michael Vilhelmsen (from the left) Blurry Mr. Paul Beach (I thought I was using a flash light *g*)
Holger Klemt, Paul Beach, Artur Anjos (from the left) The 3rd anniversary of the Firebird Foundation was celebrated with a birthday cake Paul Beach in cutting the cake
Jason Wharton (in the white pullover) and Jim Starkey (glasses in the breast pocket). Somewhat skeptical if they can get a piece of the cake Upscene Productions was a silver sponsor of the conference Set and Martijn Tonies. Martijn is extremely happy getting Norwegian Bamsemums from Set
Debra Miles. One of the always friendly and very helpful staff member of HK-Software The check-in counter. Stefan Heymann in the white shirt I definitely was there. ;-)
Holger Klemt, Jason Wharton, Arno Brinkman (from the left). Who has the coolest laptop? My vote for Jason's one. That was looking like a Playstation 7. Quite some traffic at the check-in counter. The huge guy with the back to the camera: Alex Peshkov (Firebird core developer) Arno is arguing to Jason that his laptop is a way cooler
Ann Harrison in her database corruption session I think I got the message: "Use forced writes ON" ;-) I guess Martijn is pushing Jason for Firebird 2.0 support in IBObjects. ;-)
Fikret Hasovic. I'm still alive after taking this photo. Bill Oliver from SAS talking about SAS and Firebird/Vulcan. It was a great thing to have folks from SAS here Roman Rokytskyy from the JayBird team
Stefan Heymann That is an extremely interesting group: Ivan Prenosil, Dmitri Kouzmenko and Carlos H. Cantu (from the left) Nando Dessena
Mr. Jim Starkey doing one of his Vulcan session One of my personal favourites. Jim's three "I hate" bullets Jason Chapman fixing the table. Aage Johansen on the right from Martijn
Unfortunately, Dmitry Yemanov couldn't attend. Arno doing Dmitry's session Alex Peshkov at the front Pavel Cisar asking Arno a really difficult question
Paul Ruizendaal is doing an excellent job with Fyracle Jason in his advanced IBObject session (we didn't play a computer game with his laptop *g*) Mad auctioneer Lucas Franzen
Martijn spent an awful amount of money for that Lucas auctioning goodies from Austria Artur Anjos and Lucas are not sure how to auction the Italian chocolate
That is a special one. A cuckoo clock from the black forrest provided by Lucas himself. This piece was auctioned at a price of 300 EUR (AFAIR). Paul Beach knows more about that. ;-) The SAS folks are intersted in another Austrian goodie? Good to know. ;-) Set was the happy winner of one bag of "Echte Salzburger Mozartkugeln". On his left hand side, Aage Johansen.
This roll of Norwegian Gjende cookies (something I felt in love with at on our Norway trip 2005) has cost my a lot of money. Really! ;-) Sparky III in Prague. Sparky IV has been auctioned via eBay to Jason Wharton Not all of them were sure to spend money at the auction. But we all had a lot of fun

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